Friday, February 5, 2010

My buddy the mailman visited me....

I got called out of town last minute Thursday and today.  While I was gone the mailman visited me!!!  YAY MAILMAN!!!!  I got a new Fyrinnae haul!!!!!

LIP LUSTRES!!!  I now have eight of them!  LOVE THEM ALL!!!!

L to R:  Lustres in Romantique, Visual Kei, and Lickable, then my new bamboo crease brush that I can't wait to try!  It's taklon.  Bottom is the sample of Velvet Gel Silica Primer I got. 

Swatches are the same order:  Top Left Romatique, Top Right Visual Kei, bottom Lickable.

Shadows are all Full Sizes: 
L To R Top Row:  Darling Misfit, Fujiro, Pure Sugar
L To R bottom Row:  Soot, +20 Beautification

I do believe I've figured out the swatching thing.  :D
Same order as above:  Top Left Darling Misfit, Top Right Fujiro, Middle Pure Sugar, Bottom Left Soot, Bottom Right +20 Beautification

FREEBIES!!! They're so nice to send Freebies!  And just HOW do the fellas always know what to send me?????  I'd love to know.....And such cute little stickers!

Left is Otherworldly and Right is Javan Rhino.

Left is Otherworldly and Right is Javan Rhino.

I can't wait to try them!  I'm not going anywhere tomorrow, we're getting snow.....but I think I'm going to do my makeup anyway. 


  1. Yay I love all the colors. So pretty.

  2. Thank you Phyrra! I do too! I just went in and reorganized all my stash LOL.....

  3. Oooh! *adds more colors to wishlist* I might as well just sign my bank account over to Fyrinnae now...

  4. LOL I know what you mean Jaimi....between Aromaleigh, Morgana, and Fyrinnae at the moment I may as well sign over mine too!

  5. Hi Krista, thanks! I LOVE fyrinnae....
