Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Merry Little Meow Christmas Haul....

My Meow gifts from the DH came on Christmas Eve!  WOO HOO!  Here's what I got....

Pampered Puss in Frisky Sphynx Full Size and Jumbo Faux Flat Top Brush:  I have to admit;  I didn't sample the pampered puss first.  I sampled the Purrfect, and found my color in frisky sphynx, though I am thinking that maybe just a touch of sleek sphynx would be even better, so I'm planning on samples of it.  Inside it's fine but outside it's just a little darker than my neck.  But I'm glad I did get the full size in the's so creamy a formula in it's application, gives good coverage even with my acne scars, and absorbs oil.  The's's SOOO soft!  It's quickly become my favorite brush for applying my foundation.

Samples L to R:  Glow in Moonstone, glow in Sandstone, Glow in Tourmaline, Glow in Topaz, Firefly blush in Glisten, Glow in Opal, Flawless Feline Foundation in Frisky Sphynx

The glows I love....I knew I would.  I have tried the tourmaline and the opal so far.  They give a very slight dewy look, not at all shiney or shimmery, but just enough.  I have yet to try the moonstone, sandstone and topaz.  The topaz was free:  I am wondering if it'll be too warm but it says on the Meow site that it's good for tired skin, which I DEFINATELY have today, so I think I may try it in a bit.  The firefly blush was also free:  I am getting a f/s of this one!  It's a wonderful neutral and goes well with my skintone.  The flawless foundation I have actually used to conceal, and like it better than the concealer formulas.  I'll be getting a munchkin size of it to conceal with.

Top Row L to R:  All are LI Christmas Eyeshadows:  Merry Mayhem in coal, 12 pains in party crashers, Merry Mayhem in nice, 12 pains in hangover, Merry Mayhem in fa la la, Snowflake in blizzard, and Merry Mayhem in snow angel.  Bottom Row L to R:  Premier puss in combination, Crystalline Cat glow powder, and Top Cat finishing Powder

Here are some swatches of the eyeshadows:
They are in the same order starting at the top left down to the individual color as they are in the picture above.  I knew I'd LOVE these shadows....I've tried all but the party crashers, blizzard and snowangel, but I'm thinking of using them today.  They're GORGEOUS, very pigmented and shimmery.

I invested in F/S of the other three products because I knew they worked for me already from sampling.  The Premier Puss primer is in the combination formula....though I have pretty oily skin in the winter it gets dry flaky spots and the Oily one made me flake.  The Top Cat needs a light hand....I look too pasty if I apply it too heavily.  The glow is good too for the same reason as the colored glows.  I actually like the colored ones a little better, but this is good to have onhand as well.

So that was my Christmas gift from the DH!  Hope you like! I know I do....

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